Apples and Roosters


Ever since my parents brought home an Apple IIc Plus in the late 80's, we've been serious fans of the company.  My brother even works for them now. So when the hard drive on my 2007 MacBook failed Monday night as I was uploading photos, it was comforting to know that, because I had recently backed up my data and the hardware was still under warranty, it would be a quick process to get it up and running again.  After a thirty minute Genius bar appointment at the Michigan Avenue store, I left with a new hard drive and an updated operating system.
It will take me a few more days to transfer all of my photos back to the computer and pick up editing were I left off, but I wanted to put up a quick post to remind all of you to back-up your data when you get home from work this evening.  I am so glad I recently did.
The lovely crepe you see in the photo is from the Rooster Cafe in St. Louis, Missouri.  My friends Matt and Diana were married in St. Louis this summer and while we were there we dined at this excellent restaurant every morning.  If you are ever in the city searching for brunch, I would highly suggest this establishment.